
Full refurbishment for packaging company

  • Fully refurbished HQ for an established packing company.
  • Designed to improve effectiveness and communication.
  • Styled to support the brand story and talent acquisition strategies.
  • Multi-purpose social and collaboration settings for activity based working.
Design & Build

Lindum identified the opportunity to invest in their workplace, turning the office overhead, into an asset. The Client had attempted a D.I.Y. approach to designing the space but admitted to losing time and focus. We were invited to help the team discover the real potential to achieve a high performance work setting for their best asset; the people.

Points of note

  • Vibrant, fresh and bright palette
  • Spacious welfare and amenity
  • Collaboration and ad-hoc meeting places with integrated technology
  • Excellent cable management and ergonomics

Contact Us

Head Office

Dale Office Interiors
Unit 4, Sheffield Business Park,
Europa Link,
Sheffield, S9 1XU

Phone: (0)114 233 1115
[email protected]