Dale Island Desks

With Danny Tylec​

Dale Island Desks

With Assistant Project Manager
Danny Tylec

Dale Island Desks is back!

This is the series where we send a staff member to an island in an undisclosed location (just off Bridlington if you must know). The aim is for everyone to learn a little more about the people that make up the Dale team!

Post pandemic, Dale Island has reopened and we are beginning to ship the new Dale recruits to its white sandy beaches, with only a few favourite items to keep them occupied.

The first Dale shipmate to venture to the island is our Assistant Project Manager – Danny Tylec.

Danny is from Sheffield and is married with two 2 wonderful daughters. He is a loyal supporter of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club (but we won’t hold that against him) and he also enjoys taking part in 5 aside matches, trying to win the office ping pong tournament and attending live music events. 

Why did you join Dale, Danny? 

“It was a fantastic opportunity to join a great team. I’d heard many good things about Dale Office and couldn’t wait to join. I am currently loving my new role and I look forward to the future ahead.”

Danny, you have been selected to be the first employee to visit Dale Island since it reopened after Covid and the incident with the crocodile. 

So, what luxury items will you be taking to the island with you? And Danny don’t worry about the crocodile, he doesn’t usually eat Dale staff. As long as you don’t make too much noise, you will be fine. 

Danny Tylec Project Coordinator

Luxury Items


“I’d have all the time in the world to practice and not have to worry about the neighbours. Although, now just a crocodile!”

“I used to spend hours as a kid playing with a football. I’m still the same now!”

“Although the peace and quiet would be good, I’d still need to keep in touch with everyone I know.”

“I’m not a coffee addict but I do need a coffee in the morning to awaken my senses. I couldn’t go without it.“

“I’m not a big TV watcher as such, but I do enjoy a good series and live sporting games. I’d certainly need to keep this.”


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Smells Like Teen Spirit
by N

“I love the classic Dave Grohl drum intro, one of the beats I had to learn on the drums!”

Real Thing
by Turnstiles

“One of my favourite Turnstile tracks, this song has everything in it I love about this band.”

by Foo Fighters

“My first dance song at my wedding.”

by Pearl Jam

“Ten was a brilliant album and I always remember this song sticking out to me out of the many great songs on this record.”


Coming up Tough
by Chubby and the Gang

“I just love this band and this song is just fun to listen too for me.



“I love Will Ferrell movies and this one is for me the funniest of them all from start to finish. “

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Unit 4, Sheffield Business Park,
Europa Link,
Sheffield, S9 1XU

Phone: (0)114 233 1115
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